
Escaping Social Media Hell

The Embodiment Coaching Podcast, Hosted by Mark Walsh

“Uptrust and Relatefulness founder Jordan Myska Allen joins me to tackle one of the biggest challenges of our time - social media. We dig into the dark side of the platforms we all love to hate: polarization, narcissism, addiction, and how algorithms keep us hooked and divided. But Jordan has a plan. He introduces Uptrust, a radical new approach to online interaction designed to promote trust, reduce echo chambers, and foster real conversation instead of rage-fueled clickbait. We cover social credit ratings, marketing manipulation, Ukraine, and whether social media can actually save the world rather than destroy it. An essential listen for anyone tired of the status quo.

Join the conversation and sign up for Deep Takes on Hot Takes here: uptrusthq.com”

Embodiment Unlimited or your favorite podcast site:

Creating Better Conversations Online with Jordan Myska Allen

Illuminated Life, Hosted by Tucker Walsh

Jordan Myska Allen and Tucker Walsh explore how online platforms can foster meaningful human connections, reflecting on the early days of the internet when people built friendships through shared interests. They discuss Allen’s project, UpTrust, which aims to create a space for high-quality conversations that foster trust, nourishment, and genuine human connection. The two delve into the importance of designing technology with integrity, emphasizing how platforms can encourage nuanced discussions and personal growth rather than polarization. Ultimately, their dialogue highlights a shared vision of creating online spaces that inspire deeper connection, compassion, and collective evolution.

Listen on Illuminated Life or your favorite podcast site:

Solving Social Media
with Jordan Myska Allen

The Container, Hosted by Sigh and Jonathan

Jordan Myska Allen, Sigh, and Jonathan discuss the systemic problems in current social media platforms, such as polarization, addiction, and the breakdown of truth, which arise from unconscious incentive structures rather than malicious intent. Jordan introduces UpTrust, a new social media platform designed to consciously foster civilizational well-being by promoting trust, meaningful dialogue, and nuanced perspectives through innovative algorithms. The platform encourages bridging diverse viewpoints and discourages outrage-driven content by rewarding thoughtful engagement and trust-building. The team invites listeners to join UpTrust's beta, aiming to create a space for deeper, more authentic conversations that challenge echo chambers and promote constructive discourse.

Listen on The Container or your favorite podcast site: